Congrats 2017 Seniors!

We were so honored to shoot senior portraits for some really great kids this year! It was so much fun working with them to commemorate this special time in their lives. So, congratulations to the 2017 seniors and best of luck in all of your future endeavors! To view our complete portfolio of senior portraits, […]
Backyard Buddies

Sometimes you only have to go as far as your backyard to get some great pics! Today is a nice cool, overcast day, which is pretty unusual for June in Texas! Needless to say, many of my backyard critters are taking advantage of the cooler temps and are out doing their little critter things. I […]
Off the Beaten Path

I LOVE to take pics of old abandoned barns and houses. I’m not really sure why. I guess I’m just curious about the history. Why was it abandoned? Why has no one saved it? And what is eventually going to happen to it? I especially love when I find these old places and I photograph […]
Texas, You Really Know How to Do Spring!

It’s one of my favorite times of the year, spring in Texas. Sunshine, warm breezes and WILDFLOWERS! Last year was a rough year for wildflowers due to the drought, but this year is unbelievable! I have seen entire fields just covered in bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes. Needless to say, I love to take wildflower pics! […]
HomeField Grill – Round Rock

Recently, we were hired by HomeField Grill to shoot a variety of menu items. They introduced a new Happy Hour Menu, and they are also updating their dining menu. They brought us in again to work on this project with them. We spent most of one day at the restaurant shooting 20 different items, and […]
We got new lights!

We got some neat new continuous lights! I think they are going to be really helpful with food and product shots. Needless to say, I had to test them out this past weekend. So I baked some bread and my daughter and I hand-dipped some strawberries to use as props. Here are a few of […]
New name and new website… Same great photographers!

Welcome to the new TripleDogDare Photography website! Many of you may be wondering why we decided to change the name. Well… The fact is, we loved the name TripleDogDare when we launched the business a couple of years ago, BUT there was a local Austin business that was already using it. We recently discovered that […]