Texas, You Really Know How to Do Spring!
It’s one of my favorite times of the year, spring in Texas. Sunshine, warm breezes and WILDFLOWERS! Last year was a rough year for wildflowers due to the drought, but this year is unbelievable! I have seen entire fields just covered in bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes. Needless to say, I love to take wildflower pics! It’s a Texas thing and I make no apologies for it! Here are a few that I took today out at my friend’s farm in Coupland. I wanted to get some pics of the kids as well, but the wind was HORRIFIC! And that in turn made it a bit more difficult to get the flower shots as well. I did, however, manage to get a few that I thought were good enough to share, so scan through and enjoy!!! Oh! And check out the elusive white Indian paintbrush! That’s not something you see everyday!